Best Cybersecurity Practices for Small Businesses

CyberSecurity Practice

Cybersecurity is as important for businesses as ever, as our world continues to move forward technologically. No longer is cybersecurity just an issue that large businesses need to consider, small businesses alike should have plans and practices in place to ensure their IT infrastructure remains protected at all times.

Below we have compiled a list of best practices that you can implement in your business to help improve your cybersecurity.

2-Factor Authentication

Anyone can fall victim to a cyberattack or hack which is why it is so important to protect yourself and your company’s data. The simplest way to ensure the wrong person doesn’t get into your accounts is to implement 2-factor authentication. This way, even if your passwords are compromised, a hacker will still hit a brick wall trying to get into your system.

Create Strong Passwords

While constantly changing and updating passwords can be tedious it is definitely a best practice. 63% of data breaches happened due to lost, stolen, or weak passwords. Make sure your employees are updating their passwords at least every 90 days while also using a combination of characters, numbers and symbols to ensure higher levels of security.

Back-Up Company Data and Files

Small businesses are often under the impression that they will not be the target of an attack, however this is not the case. Small businesses should back up their important company data and files in case of disaster or breach. Keeping software up to date with the latest patches and security features is another way to minimize risk.

Secure Wireless Connection

With so many employees working remotely, it is important to educate your employees about the importance of using a secure wireless connection, especially when working with sensitive data. If employees are not working on a secure connection, it can make sensitive information prone to attack.

Educate Your Employees on The Importance of Cybersecurity

It doesn’t matter how great your cybersecurity tools are, if the weakest part of your protection system is your employees. Take some time to make sure that they understand both the threats and the tools in place to protect the organization. Ultimately, you want them to be vigilant in identifying and dealing with risk. The more you communicate with them about why things are being done, the more likely they are to take the measure to ensure that company information stays secure.
If you’re looking to improve your businesses cybersecurity efforts, contact RTC Managed Services today. Let us use our expertise to ensure that your organization stays protected at all times.

CyberSecurity Practice
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IT Company Firm

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